
Russia-Africa Economic Forum and Summit, a resounding success

Strength in Unity

When we met in Sochi in 2019 during the first RussiaAfrica Economic Forum and Summit, we laid the foundation for a new era of cooperation between our two continents. Today, we are gathered here again to build on that foundation and take our partnership to new heights.

The world is facing unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated economies and livelihoods around the globe. The conflict in Ukraine is causing untold suffering and destabilizing the global order. In these difficult times, it is more important than ever for Russia and Africa to stand together.

A shared commitment to peace and prosperity

Russia and Africa share a common desire for peace, stability, and prosperity. We are both committed to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

We believe that all countries have the right to choose their own path of development, free from outside interference. We also believe that economic cooperation is essential for the development of both our continents.

The Russia-Africa Economic Forum and Summit is a unique opportunity for us to strengthen our partnership and work together to address the challenges facing our two continents.

I am confident that this Summit will be a success and that it will mark a new chapter in the relationship between Russia and Africa.
